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The Freestyle Debate League


1) The league will ultimately be made up of ten teams, with two people in each team. A team can be made up of as many as you like, but only two maximum will play a match.

2) We intend to spread matches over each year which will comprise of the full season of fixtures of around 45 matches.

3) The debate topic category will be voted for on the 8 out of 10 Catz Twitter/X page by the followers 1 week before each match.

4) On the day of the match we will randomly select a topic from the chosen category and decide the standpoint of each team.

5) Each team will have 15 minutes to put forward their arguments, basically a half each.

6) Once the 30 minute periods are complete, we do a poll of the viewers to see which team they feel has the strongest argument.

7) Then each team will get 5 minutes each to present a rebuttal.

8) Each team will receive points during the course of the match which will ultimately decide the result. (See Scoring)

9) If one team disputes a fact presented by the other they can list them in their rebuttal stage


Because we see this league as a little fun, we are only looking for how well presented and strong each argument is, so in essence we are looking to see who has the best debating mind in our community. 


In each half of the game points will be awarded thus...

Each point that is made, is clear and understandable + 1 point

Every fact substantiated + 2 points

In the rebuttal stage points will be awarded thus...

Each point that is made, is clear and understandable + 1 point

Every fact substantiated + 2 points

Every fact successfully disproven will deduct 1 point from the team who presented it.

Any team breaking the rules and not conducting themselves in a proper manner will firstly be given a warning, if they continue they will be disqualified and the other team wins.

After the match, points are added to the league table, just as in football we will award 3 points for a win and in case we cannot find a definitive winner each team receives 1 point each.

A no show of 1 team will automatically give the team that attended the 3 points.

If both teams do not attend, then the match is declared void and will be replayed possibly at the end of the season.

Any questions can be put forward to admins.

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